Here’s The Quickest & Easiest Way To Program The Mind For Success

Sohail Baloch
2 min readJan 1, 2020

The subconscious mind can be programmed by a process called affirmative programming. This affirmative programming is very different than just affirmation because in affirmation you just repeat the affirmation expecting it to work for you. But in the affirmative programming, you engage your entire body and mind to repeat the words that you have written. Affirmative programming is being used by many people around the world the people in sports, success coaches, and celebrities. Before diving into the real process on how to do affirmative programming lets answer this question why do you need to have a piece of sentences written on a paper and be repeated twice daily? The reason you do this is to program the subconscious mind because the subconscious mind is the one that has 95% of the power. If the subconscious mind gets programmed on anything it will lead you towards the achievement of that thing or desire. By repeating those sentences over and over again the subconscious mind accepts that as your new reality.

Let’s get into the process of affirmative programming the process includes 3 steps

(1) Write the sentence that describes what you want in a positive form. For example, if you want to be more confident you can write something like my confidence is increasing every day.



Sohail Baloch

Hypnotist, Reiki Master, Success Coach, EFT Trainer, Strategic Intervention Coach, PhD. in Metaphysics, Author of untapped mind- Click link-