If you commit this crime then you will die soon.....
Everytime life take us into a ride when you commit this crime. There is no forgiveness if someone commits this crime,but I want to tell you that all the people in this world are responsible for committing this crime. But not all the people get the same amount of punishment for this crime. Some people get terrible consistent life time punishment. Some people get short time punishment, and some people do not get any punishment because they know the rule. You might be thinking what is that crime that you have committed and all the people in this world commited.
That crime is the crime of beating yourself down for making mistakes in life. You might have experienced yourself or someone else that when they make a mistake they start blaming themselves. Start using harsh language for themselves. Start cursing themselves for the mistake that they have made. We beat ourselves in a way as if we are our own enemy.
Remember mistakes are parts of growth, and you don’t need to punish yourself for the mistake that you might have made in life. You do not need to be harsh on yourself to be worthy.
This is the teaching we learned from society that mistake needs to be punished, but this is not the reality. Mistakes are the part of learning and improving and if you will be scared of making mistakes then you will not try something new. When you do not try something new in life then you will never learn about your own capacity as a human being.
So moving forward whenever you make a mistake despite of what people are saying to you just keep this in mind at least your are better than those people who are so scared in life that they even do not try to do something new.
Committing a mistake in life is not suppose to be a way of punishing yourself rather it needs to be a way of learning and growing.