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Stop People will..

Sohail Baloch
2 min readMar 19, 2023


Majority of the people live life in this scarcity about what will people say when they do something new. Stop worrying about what others will think about you. Remeber if you have struggles in life these people will say something about you like you are lazy, useless, do not work hard, or If you are successful in life these people will show up and start saying something as well like you earned money from dishonesty, you are cruel, or you are not a good people. Whatever you do in life people will say something. You can never make people satisfied. The harder you try to make everyone satisfied the more you will become frustrated and depressed. In today’s society it is almost impossible to make someone satisfied if you satisfy one thing they will come up with another thing, and if you satisfy that thing then they will come up with another new thing.

So the question is how to deal with this fear of what will people say?

The best way is to ignore them. Whatever they say about you just ignore them because you cannot win an argument from a jealous and an idiot person let the person burn in his own jealousy. There is nothing that you can do for the person who is suffering with a fire of annger, harted, and jealousy. If you stop yourself because of the scarcity that what will they say then you have given yourself the biggest punishment. This society became so harsh that you will always find someone saying something about you.

Next time when you have this fear about what will people say just remind yourself that I do not need to worry about someone who is burning with jealousy and hatred. Bcause if someone really cares for you will never put you down, and those people who put you down will never care for you. So don’t waste your precious time thinking about what will other people think because by doing this you will stop your growth, successs, and happiness.



Sohail Baloch

Hypnotist, Reiki Master, Success Coach, EFT Trainer, Strategic Intervention Coach, PhD. in Metaphysics, Author of untapped mind- Click link-