This Blog Will Change Your Life Forever!

Sohail Baloch
2 min readJan 1, 2020

In this blog, I will share with you the secret to living life in full potential and positively.

These are some of the steps you can implement in your life to transform it into positivity and productivity.

1: Believe: You need to believe that you have greater power than any obstacle that comes up in your life because obstacles are temporary. Now imagine how many obstacles came in your life in the past that you have tackled and continued to move on in life.

2: Don’t let your mind dwell on the failures or frustrations of the past: Because the past is past and it is gone. If you continue to think about the past you will destroy your present because there will not be peace in your present while attached to the past. When you constantly talk about the pains and troubles you had in the past you can never learn any lesson from those pains.

3: Don’t have self-doubt about yourself: Self-doubt will not make you happy in life instead it will make life hard to live. Because when you start to have self-doubt than you start to doubt your talents, your ideas, your actions and eventually this will turn you into a person who will doubt everything in life.

4: Never quit in life no matter what: A winner never quits in life because when you quit this means you lost hope and whenever you lose…



Sohail Baloch

Hypnotist, Reiki Master, Success Coach, EFT Trainer, Strategic Intervention Coach, PhD. in Metaphysics, Author of untapped mind- Click link-